Sunday the 16th was Bosses Day. Who even knew there was such a thing? Well, at least one of the guys on my team did, and they surprised me by storming my office singing some sort of Star Wars March of the Emperor thing while I was one a phone call with a vendor.
With trepidation I got off the phone and was presented a bag of gifts. These included an 8 pack of Reeses Peanut Butter cups (love those things!), a package of cable clips, and a physical Rolodex. I didn’t even know they made those things anymore!
In any case, in the Rolodex were entries for things like the local dive bar by my house (Gators! Woohoo!), a troublesome user, restaurants that I like, and, uh Weight Watchers. Hmmmm.
I’m not exactly sure why they felt it necessary to give me the cable clips…
Anyway, thanks guys!