I got started with computers about the time the TRS 80 Model 1 came out. Yes, that long ago. Back then, pretty much only mainframes had hard drives and they stored very little data – perhaps 20 megabytes. In the mid 80’s, I got my first hard drive for my Tandy 1200, which was a Tandy "clone" of the IBM PC. It was 5 megabytes before formatting, it was 4 megabytes after. A few years later I got an 80 megabyte hard drive for roughly $500. So in the late 80’s, it was something like $6.25 per megabyte.
Today, I’m looking at buying a couple of 400 gigabyte hard drives. Each one will cost roughly $260. Or about $.07 per megabyte. Wow.
So for $780, if I wanted to, I could purchase roughly a terabyte of storage space. I might just have to do that! "Are you happy to see me or is that a terabyte of storage in your PC?"