A few days ago I had to run one of the many Small Business Server wizards on my 2003 SBS server to repair a problem with Internet access. As soon as I tried to run it, it came up with an error message that the wizard "can only be run on a small business server computer". Sure, go ahead and run then!
Well, after trying to convince it run by talking to it nicely, I looked around for help. I didn’t find too many posts about it except for those referencing Service Pack 2, but this machine had not been changed in many many moons, so it wasn’t SP 2.
Finally I found a reference to Microsoft KB article # 940318. After downloading and running the hotfix (it took about 2 seconds to run), the problem was resolved.
This is just another one of those mysteries… But at least I had to deal with it on one of my busiest days of the year.